Pollyanna and Talullah |
The coop was built, names selected..all we needed was the chickens! We heard of a nice man down the road..with chickens so we loaded a dog crate and headed out. Hubby and I agreed we would only get 5 hens . When we arrived, we found he had lots of chickens, roosters and even German shepherds for sale. I felt a little overwhelmed. We finally selected 2 barred Plymouth rocks, 2 buff Orpington / Barred Rock crosses, and one bantam hen. Then..I saw a Rhode Island Red and a Blue-Black hen that were so pretty.... so we are up to 7. Hubby insisted it was time to go.. We were already 2 over and I think he was afraid I might try to slip a German shepherd into the truck. ( I probably would have)
Henrietta and Lucille |
Matilda -the banty |
Abigail |
Ruby |
All of these hens were in a pen together so we knew they were already "friends". They were about 14 weeks when they came to us . They settled in fine in the chicken run and pecked every blade of grass and bug in site. They weren't too crazy about going inside the coop that hubby had worked so hard on. We tried for several nights to bed them down inside, but they would have no part of that. Instead, they all roosted on the rails of the run. It was so cool to see how they started "going up", trying to get as high as they could when the sun started going down. Silly birds..there was a great loft right inside the Coop! We decided we would not obsess about it..but were very excited when they finally started going inside!
So...the adventure indeed had begun !